Tuesday, February 26, 2008

New Idol by Bill Kay

A new singing idol has been anointed. I realise I'm going off my usual beat - whatever that is - in getting involved in the pecking order among the 20 remaining contestants in the current American Idol, but one is so obviously on a different plane from the others that I feel I am doing no more than point out a matter of fact.
Tonight the last ten men sang, and I don't think it was any accident that 17-year-old David Archuleta was left until last. He sang John Lennon's Imagine and actually gave it a completely different meaning, completely different from Lennon's acid sarcasm, and invited the listener to take it at face value. And, such was the quality and clarity of Archuleta's singing, that nothing seemed more natural. He was effortlessly in command of his material and the audience: you could have heard a pin drop. Yet, as Randy Jackson remarked, he had maturity beyond his years. I'll leave further analysis to the experts, and I recognise that there is many a slip: the voting could go haywire, his career could go haywire, anything could happen. But I still reckon we will be hearing a lot more from and about David Archuleta.

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